Day 86 thru 82

Day 86 & 80 Rest / Day 81-8 miles:  A couple of kind of lame weeks of training are beginning to show up.  This 8 miles was not only difficult, but I felt horrible all day after the run.  My foot hurt again, my hamstrings were tight (which I have never had before) and I pretty much felt like I had run much further.

My life has been pretty much similar to interval training with out the discupline of distance.  Short burts of speed and hard work followed by a slackard period.  If you are a sprinter, this is great training, however life is not a sprint.  It is a marathon and marathons require consistant, disciplined, arduous training to ensure that muscles have not only strength, but also endurance.  

Today, I saw the results of my lack of labor.  My body rebelled a bit.  It was a good wake-up call.  “Old body, thanks for the warning.  I will take head and ‘Press on toward the goal”.  Time to buckle down and get back on track.  

King David’s life was pretty much up and down (Like most great characters of the Bible, hmmm, they must have been human).  After one low point, (His Army’s camp had been raided and their wives had been taken), obviously, everyone was pretty distressed.   As a matter of fact everyone blamed him and were considering stoning him.

After a few minutes of wallowing in this defeat, David decided that enough is enough. 

 “but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.” (1 Sam 30:6)

He rallied himself and his men and then went and kicked some Amalekite hiney.   Louisville is pretty much like the land of the Amalekites so here we come.

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