Remembering the Sacrifice – ETC(SS) Hill

Since I wrote this post several years ago, suicide rates for veterans and active duty military have continued to skyrocket to epidemic proportions. I think it appropriate to again remember that these are as much a casualty of war as those who lose their lives in actual battle. Unfortunately, these losses carry none of the… Continue reading Remembering the Sacrifice – ETC(SS) Hill

Here am I … Sam I am

Lynn and I stood on across town on Hampton Blvd in Norfolk after another post-due-date prenatal visit.  Since this was our fifth overdue pregnancy, we were not really surprised.  It was a nice day and we could not get hold of our ride, but we new her route so we decided to start walk toward… Continue reading Here am I … Sam I am

“God has made laughter for me” – Sarah

And Sarah said, “God has made laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh over me.” (Gen 21:6) When Sarah was about eleven years old, I was walking through our kitchen in Georgia when suddenly, I was soaking wet.  An evil little young lady had drenched me with the hand sprayer from the kitchen sink …… Continue reading “God has made laughter for me” – Sarah