“The Hat” – Remember the Sweat

Many athletes have crazy superstitions. Routines, clothing, food … ridiculous as it seems, these routines bring some sort of confidence to otherwise sane people.  Let’s not limit it to athletes; artists, performers, business professionals, fans, and even preachers often have routines to help get them into their “groove”.  Whatever it takes to make a person… Continue reading “The Hat” – Remember the Sweat

Strapping on the Feedbag

http://v.theonion.com/onionmedia/videos/videometa/111/zen_mp4.mp4 Yesterday I had a scheduled 7 mile run.  7 miles should not be too difficult at this point in my training although any day brings new aches, pains and stiffness.  In order to save time, I have taken to plotting a course home from work when time allows, so that was my plan on… Continue reading Strapping on the Feedbag

Haystack Life – Live Undaunted

http://youtu.be/Wl3SXPq2MOs Warning: if you don’t like rock music … turn down your volume, but note the lyrics.  Then rock out in your own way!  A few weeks back, I knocking out 9 miles late at night,  I was rocking to some Switchfoot and feeling pretty good about my progress.  As I jogged along, I reflected on some of the… Continue reading Haystack Life – Live Undaunted

Rhythm of the Run

This past Saturday marked a key point in my training. I completed 13.2 miles so technically, I am half way to my goal.  For me, the real accomplishment was finding a rhythm in my stride.  My per-mile-pace varied by no more than 10 seconds during the entire run.  As an added bonus, I ran about… Continue reading Rhythm of the Run

When the Mountains Come to You

 Mark 4:35-41:  Jesus Calms the Storm Sea story … December 1992 on the USS LY Spear, crossing the Atlantic on our way home from the Persian Gulf. We were experiencing heavy seas for 5 days straight.  The Spear was a flat bottomed, 645 ft monster of a ship.  Being a flat bottomed vessel allowed her… Continue reading When the Mountains Come to You

The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

 Mark 4:26-34:  More Seed Parables Again I find myself reflecting on thoughts that I here expressed over and over again.  Thoughts that have flooded my mind at times. Thoughts something like this. “Is this all that there is?  I get up, do the daily routine, go to sleep and then start all over again.  I… Continue reading The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip

Yes, I have slipped on my commitment to sharing my journeys with Mark.  I will pick it up again tomorrow. I loved mud.  Walking in it, playing in it, slinging it … the boy in me has always considered  mud to be an oozing, gushy, slimy delight.  Mud between the toes is an experience to… Continue reading Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip

Jesus and His Rocky Family – Life Making Good Soil

If you are following along in Mark I am a bit behind on my posts, I have not talked about Mark 3:31-35 and Mark 4:1-20. So here is a couple of quick thoughts. Mark 3:31-35: The Family I What in the world? Jesus seems to blow off His family.  Actually, if you look back at… Continue reading Jesus and His Rocky Family – Life Making Good Soil

Sticks, Stones, & Stealing Satan’s Stuff

Mark 3:20-30:  Jesus & Beelzebub I am not sure if this the origin of the term “demonizing”, but it would make a whole lot of sense if it came from this story.   Jesus, instead of returning venom with venom, kind of teases them with His response, but adds a stiff warning at the end. Now… Continue reading Sticks, Stones, & Stealing Satan’s Stuff

Assembling the Posse – You do the Math

Mark 3:13-19:  The Twelve are Appointed Twelve: We all know the biblical significance of the number 12. Obviously, to the people of Jesus time twelve was representative of twelve tribes of Israel and only added the excitement that God was doing a new thing.  From my limited study, apparently 10 tribes were still considered “lost”… Continue reading Assembling the Posse – You do the Math