A Spark – Is Fire Imminent (Part 2)

Drought produces very little except … a fantastic supply of tinder. Initially, the onset of drought is slow and almost imperceptible.  In humans, studies have shown that a person often mistakes signs of dehydration for hunger which even further confuses matters. As the dryness advances though, it is difficult to deny the overpowering thirst that inevitably… Continue reading A Spark – Is Fire Imminent (Part 2)

Drought Condition – Is Fire Imminent? (The Prequel)

As I reflect on my last article, Fire is Imminent Part I, I realize a few things:  My blog no longer has anything to do with its original intent (journaling my first marathon) and I really need to either start another blog or put some time into a revamping this one. That my running experience has brought… Continue reading Drought Condition – Is Fire Imminent? (The Prequel)

“The Hat” – Remember the Sweat

Many athletes have crazy superstitions. Routines, clothing, food … ridiculous as it seems, these routines bring some sort of confidence to otherwise sane people.  Let’s not limit it to athletes; artists, performers, business professionals, fans, and even preachers often have routines to help get them into their “groove”.  Whatever it takes to make a person… Continue reading “The Hat” – Remember the Sweat

Strapping on the Feedbag

http://v.theonion.com/onionmedia/videos/videometa/111/zen_mp4.mp4 Yesterday I had a scheduled 7 mile run.  7 miles should not be too difficult at this point in my training although any day brings new aches, pains and stiffness.  In order to save time, I have taken to plotting a course home from work when time allows, so that was my plan on… Continue reading Strapping on the Feedbag

Haystack Life – Live Undaunted

http://youtu.be/Wl3SXPq2MOs Warning: if you don’t like rock music … turn down your volume, but note the lyrics.  Then rock out in your own way!  A few weeks back, I knocking out 9 miles late at night,  I was rocking to some Switchfoot and feeling pretty good about my progress.  As I jogged along, I reflected on some of the… Continue reading Haystack Life – Live Undaunted

Rhythm of the Run

This past Saturday marked a key point in my training. I completed 13.2 miles so technically, I am half way to my goal.  For me, the real accomplishment was finding a rhythm in my stride.  My per-mile-pace varied by no more than 10 seconds during the entire run.  As an added bonus, I ran about… Continue reading Rhythm of the Run

Here am I … Sam I am

Lynn and I stood on across town on Hampton Blvd in Norfolk after another post-due-date prenatal visit.  Since this was our fifth overdue pregnancy, we were not really surprised.  It was a nice day and we could not get hold of our ride, but we new her route so we decided to start walk toward… Continue reading Here am I … Sam I am

When the Mountains Come to You

 Mark 4:35-41:  Jesus Calms the Storm Sea story … December 1992 on the USS LY Spear, crossing the Atlantic on our way home from the Persian Gulf. We were experiencing heavy seas for 5 days straight.  The Spear was a flat bottomed, 645 ft monster of a ship.  Being a flat bottomed vessel allowed her… Continue reading When the Mountains Come to You

The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

 Mark 4:26-34:  More Seed Parables Again I find myself reflecting on thoughts that I here expressed over and over again.  Thoughts that have flooded my mind at times. Thoughts something like this. “Is this all that there is?  I get up, do the daily routine, go to sleep and then start all over again.  I… Continue reading The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip

Yes, I have slipped on my commitment to sharing my journeys with Mark.  I will pick it up again tomorrow. I loved mud.  Walking in it, playing in it, slinging it … the boy in me has always considered  mud to be an oozing, gushy, slimy delight.  Mud between the toes is an experience to… Continue reading Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip