
#silentday I would like to propose a challenge of sorts for those of you on social media … especially those who are politically or socially minded.  This is not an effort to change views, but to help us consider how we might better communicate. Here is the challenge: #silentday Set aside one day to go silent on… Continue reading #SilentDay

Unexpected Journey

“then you must take up your well-shaped oar and go on a journey until you come where there are men living who know nothing of the sea, and who eat food that is not mixed with salt, who never have known ships whose cheeks are painted purple, who never have known-well-shaped oars, which act for… Continue reading Unexpected Journey

How do you determine who to vote for or do you not vote at all?

My friend Anne posted a heartfelt question on Facebook today and instead of writing a simple comment, I figured I would vomit out my answer on my much neglected blog. “Let’s say you vote for your convictions, principles, and values when it comes to your President, your Senators, etc. Let’s just say that no candidate… Continue reading How do you determine who to vote for or do you not vote at all?

A Different Justice System

Mark 2:23-29 – Sabbath Snacks Another few verses into the Gospel of Mark and yet another “I never noticed” moment.  In the previous verses, Jesus was asked about His disciples not fasting like John’s followers and the Pharisees.  He was being questioned about the actions of His disciples.  It was His disciples that were feasting… Continue reading A Different Justice System

Vision / Course Correction

I have not written since November.  It is hard to write about transition and direction when you find yourself not exactly sure where you are going.  I think it is about time I discussed this Vision Correction / Course Correction, for both my old friends and those that are crossing my path.   “Be good… Continue reading Vision / Course Correction

You Keep Using That Word – Who is a Hero?

*Stink! Jamie the Very Worst Missionary stole my line before I could publish it. Great blog about the word #blessed read it here In January 1991, I lay in hospital bed in Naval Medical Center Portsmouth recovering from a belly wound brought about by “friendly fire”.  My perfectly healthy gall bladder decided to go to war… Continue reading You Keep Using That Word – Who is a Hero?