When the Mountains Come to You

 Mark 4:35-41:  Jesus Calms the Storm Sea story … December 1992 on the USS LY Spear, crossing the Atlantic on our way home from the Persian Gulf. We were experiencing heavy seas for 5 days straight.  The Spear was a flat bottomed, 645 ft monster of a ship.  Being a flat bottomed vessel allowed her… Continue reading When the Mountains Come to You

The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

 Mark 4:26-34:  More Seed Parables Again I find myself reflecting on thoughts that I here expressed over and over again.  Thoughts that have flooded my mind at times. Thoughts something like this. “Is this all that there is?  I get up, do the daily routine, go to sleep and then start all over again.  I… Continue reading The Unseen Farmer and an Unexpected Harvest

Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip

Yes, I have slipped on my commitment to sharing my journeys with Mark.  I will pick it up again tomorrow. I loved mud.  Walking in it, playing in it, slinging it … the boy in me has always considered  mud to be an oozing, gushy, slimy delight.  Mud between the toes is an experience to… Continue reading Get out of the Mud / Regaining a Grip