Day 8

Day 8 – 3 Miles – After playing soccer until 11:30 last night and about 5 hrs of sleep, I was not to enthused about running this morning. Up at 5:15, breakfast, but not out the door 6:18. (Stared at wall for about 1/2 hour tring to get motivated. Still, run went pretty well (10:04… Continue reading Day 8

Team Run #1

Day 6 – 5 miles – Pretty good run.  I think breakfast helped (Thanks again Bobby)  I can’t quite say I enjoyed the run, but I didn’t exactly hate it.  That is real progress.  We probably ran a bit faster than we should have, but it felt pretty good.  Company party tonight, I can go… Continue reading Team Run #1

Over Coming Negative

As you might be able infer from my other posts.  I have dwelt on my hate for running.  These negative thoughts, although humorous, could spell the end for me.  It is easy for discouragement to set in.  I am not as fast and do not recover quite as quickly as most of these other guys. … Continue reading Over Coming Negative

1st Week in Review

Well, my intention was to write an entry for each day, but with setting up this and two other Weblogs this week, I didn’t quite get to it. So I thought that while I am sitting here, eating my 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 8 oz. fruit stuff two hours before our first official team… Continue reading 1st Week in Review

Team Injury

If your praying with us, pray for Zach.  He is experiencing shin splints that are really hampering his training.  He will be going to the Dr. soon.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors and rapid healing for Zach. Thanks

Is this fun?

Did I ever tell you that I hate to run?  Running can not be natural.  If you think about it, gravity and friction fight against our every step.  But to survive, we pretty much need to  move around to get the food we need to survive.  We need that food to fuel our bodies so… Continue reading Is this fun?

Why do I call myself old?

Why do I call myself old you ask?  I know many people that are older than me, that are more active, in better shape, and much more alert than I am. Old has nothing to do with age.  It seems that those people understand the sentiment of Henry David Thoreau:  “I went into the woods… Continue reading Why do I call myself old?

Praying for You

During my week day runs, I will be using that time to lift up prayer requests that are shared with me. The plan is to record them and listen and agree during the runs. If you have a prayer request that you would like me to lift up send it to I will not… Continue reading Praying for You

General Prayer Requests

I make light of this journey in many of my posts, but in my heart, I am quite serious about this effort and want this to be a spring board to making our world a little bit better.  There will be many struggles, priority challenges, and life will go on while we train. We would… Continue reading General Prayer Requests